Job Tips

Saving and Investing for Archaeologists

I remember loving snow days as a kid. This was long before I’d started doing archaeology and started hating snow. Every time it snowed for a few hours, I’d start getting giddy– thinking about the action-packed day of Nintendo and sledding that awaited me the next morning. I’d lay in […]

Investment and savings advice for archaeologists

is it possible to get a tenure track archaeology professor position?

Addressing the Archaeology Professor Myth: Is it Possible to Realize Tenure Track Position? 2

Sometimes you read the obvious, but it doesn’t really sink in. Sometimes the obvious sinks right in to your core. I just finished reading two blog posts this week about the travails of post-PhD life. In 2011, Roderick asked “Is your PhD Worthless?” Partially answering his own question, Roderick mentions […]

Top 15 Must-Have Archaeology Field Gear Items 3

After months being cooped up in a classroom, I’m getting ready to go do some archaeology field work this summer and was putting together a list of items I need to buy or replace. Some people I know have called me a gear whore because I like to buy outdoors […]

15 Must have Archaeology supplies

sweet hat from

The Power of Gratitude

A few weeks ago, I received one of the best gifts I’ve been given all year. It was a simple baseball hat that was sent to me from the kind folks at Forestry Suppliers. In case you didn’t know, Forestry Suppliers has a sweet archaeology field tools catalog (BTW: That […]

Hear about what I learned at #SAA2014

#SAA2014 Debrief, Part I: Curating and Disseminating Archaeology 2

“I don’t always go to the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meetings, but when I do, I prefer them to be in a cool place with a ton of rad dive bars.” The world’s most moderately interesting archaeologist (Me). I’m currently on the flight back from #SAA2014 and happened […]

Giddy up for #SAA2014: Comments before the conference

The first thing I noticed when getting off the plan in Austin: humidity. It’s been a long time since I felt the warm, moist embrace of the Earth’s atmosphere. Living in Tucson, the air feels like a blast furnace that’s just warming up in April. Here in Austin, it feels […]

#SAA2014 was loaded with good information

Archaeology supervisors: explain what you want your employees to do before they do it

Cultural resource management companies, want to dramatically improve productivity and efficiency? 2

In the course of my random discussions about working in cultural resource management archaeology and historic preservation, I seem to have come across the same conversation time and time again. It all revolves around some “hell project”— a project that went so FUBAR that the company ended up losing money. […]

Is archaeology really the career for you? 1

This is a question I ask myself a lot. Am I supposed to be an archaeologist? Is this the best career for me? How can I know that? I’ve recently started listening to The New Man podcast hosted by Tripp Lanier. (FYI: It’s not just for men. My wife is […]

Does archaeology fit within your personal ethos?

Financial independence is the key to ending the poverty mentality in archaeology

NSF Archaeology grant success and the University of Arizona

Last week, Doug Rocks-MacQueen posted an article on his blog Doug’s Archaeology titled “Top Organizations Receiving NSF Archaeology Funds.” I was surprised to see my current grad school at the top of the list by a long shot. The University of Arizona dominated the list of National Science Foundation (NSF) […]