Job Tips

How to identify historic properties using Google Earth 1

Don’t you just love it when you get a PDF of a project area floating in the middle of some unidentified terrain? Just a polygon overlain upon some barren desert, forest quadrat, or urban freeway with very little context? And, you’re, somehow, expected to plan your cultural resource management archaeology […]

You can use Google Earth and Trulia to identify historic properties in your project area

You only have to get up one more time than you get kicked down in order to succeed

The shocking truth about a career in cultural resource management archaeology 4

“It’s not whether you get knocked down. It’s whether you get up.” Vince Lombardi It’s no secret most cultural resource management archaeologists give up. CRM is a hard field in which to build a career. Recently, I came across this post written in 2000 on the United Archaeological Field Technicians […]

How to identify open career niches in the cultural resource management industry

Cultural resource management companies don’t need archaeologists. They don’t. Think about it. Is archaeology the ONLY thing CRM archaeologists do for their companies? Do companies need employees that ONLY do archaeology? The answer is no. CRM archaeologists do a wide variety of different activities and tasks for their employers. They […]

Fill existing needs within cultural resource management companies in order to get hired

Archaeological field school needs to be about more than just digging

What do you think should be included in an archaeological field school? 4

Yesterday, I received good news. The property owner of the Erma Hayman House in Boise, Idaho has given permission to conduct an archaeology project on this property. This will be the next step in my dissertation work on The River Street Digital History Project, but it is also an excellent […]

What does it take to become a CRM archaeology expert?

How to become an expert on cultural resource management

I wonder how many hours I’ve spent being a cultural resource management archaeologist. It’s hard to calculate because, even though I’ve been doing CRM since 2004, I haven’t always been employed full-time as a CRMer. In fact, based on the longest stints I’ve had with CRM companies, I think it’s […]

Native Americans, Archaeological Monitoring, and CRMers

Archaeological Monitoring (v.)­ (1) watching and waiting for a mechanical excavator to reveal an archaeological deposit; (2) a great way for archaeologists to find sites and Native people to reclaim their heritage before development destroys all traces; (3) something construction companies and developers (should) know about but always seem to […]

How does hiring Native Americans help archaeological monitoring

Are archaeologists racist?: Part I 2

WARNING: This blog post is probably going to make you very emotional. The principal emotion you are likely to experience is anger. Before you start rampaging in the comments box, please, read the entire article. Then, take three deep breaths and think about where this anger is coming from. Then, […]

How does structural racism effect cultural resource management?

Diaspora was a central topic at #SHA2015

Archaeology, Structural Racism, and the Seahawks: Musings on #SHA2015 2

“Peripheries and Boundaries” was the theme of this year’s Society for Historical Archaeology (SHA) Conference in Seattle. Many of the symposia focused on the issues that arise when people and archaeologists focus on spaces in flux including diaspora, racialization, power differentials, and identity. Along with the question “Will the Seahawks […]