Job Tips

Conduct a SWOT analysis before your cultural resource management fieldwork

Sometimes, when I think back on my career in cultural resource management, I wonder if I even made any money for the companies I worked for in the beginning. I can recall an especially disastrous project where I ended up driving about 220 miles on an icy Interstate 90, risking […]

30-Minute Online Map Blitz for cultural resource managers

Here’s a scenario. You’ve been given a cultural resources survey project somewhere in the United States that is going down ASAP. You have no idea where this is. Neither do any of your co-workers or acquaintances. You do not have the records search yet and have no idea what archaeological […]

What watching the A-Team taught me about archaeology

As a young boy, I fondly recall watching episodes of the A-Team every week with my family. I remember snuggling deep into my Star Wars pajamas and curling up with a bowl of ice cream while we all watched Mr. T and the gang punch, blast, and shoot their way […]

Keeping your cultural resource management employees in the dark

In the last decade, I’ve worked for quite a few cultural resource management and historic preservation companies across the United States. Only one of these companies told their employees about the project goal and objectives for the next year. All the other ones rarely let their employees know what was […]

Communication Lack in Cultural Resource Management is Bad for Business

My first permanent job in cultural resource management archaeology was an excellent learning opportunity for a number of reasons. I had the chance to work as a project field director, archaeological technician, pseudo-architectural historian, and historical archaeologist at a variety of different sites and project types across western Washington. I […]

How to Get a Job in Archaeology, Part 4 2

(This is the final installment in my series chronicling how a former co-worker and friend of mine found a job in CRM archaeology in a new town. I wanted to provide a transparent narrative of his job search and how/if my suggestions helped.) My friend, Garrett Trask, finally got a […]

Archaeology Work in Hot Weather

Last weekend, I participated in a conversation on hot weather health and safety on the CRM Archaeology Podcast. Most of us are aware of the dangers of working in hot weather (temperatures above 90 degrees), but we may not all be aware of measures we can take to prevent injuries. […]

Why do we need the Archaeology Careerist’s Network?

In case you didn’t already know, I started a Linked In group called the Archaeology Careerist’s Network (ACN). There are already over 140 archaeology-related Linked In groups, so you may ask, “why did I feel the need to create yet another archaeology group?”

30-minute workouts for cultural resource management professionals

In February, my wife had our second child. It has been a blessing. The extra pounds both she and I gained during her pregnancy however, have not been a blessing. Soon after the baby was born, we both realized that we needed to do something about our weight. It stinks […]

Here’s how you get your résumé into the right hands

This week I heard some of the best news I’ve heard in a long time. A friend of mine landed an archaeology job in the Bay Area. Yes, this is the same amigo I coached in my case study called How to get an Archaeology Job, Part 1, Part 2, […]