Graduate School

Planning for winter: Employment suggestions for archaeology students

Yesterday, I participated in recording the latest episode of the CRM Archaeology Podcast—#120: Winter is Coming. Even though it’s a play off the Game of Thrones’ famous line, preparing for winter is a salient issue for any one working in cultural resource management industry. Winter preparations are different for CMRers […]

Archaeology Hack #8: Higher education tips for cultural resource management archaeologists 2

(This is part of a new and ongoing series called Thor’s Day Cultural Resource Management Archaeology Hacks. Quick as lightning, these tips are designed to help you make the impact of Mjölnir on your next project.) Today’s hack isn’t as lightning quick as I thought it would be, but I’ve […]

Is a graduate degree worth more than experience in cultural resource management archaeology?

6 Reasons why CRM companies shouldn’t hire archaeological field techs with graduate degrees 8

Last week, I talked about how degree inflation is making it harder for young archaeologists to land entry-level archaeological field technician jobs without having a graduate degree. There is a lot of incentive for cultural resource management companies to hire field techs who have more than a Bachelor’s degree: Graduate […]