cultural resource jobs

Archaeology Projects are the New Résumé

Last month, I read Seth Godin’s book “Linchpin.” In case you didn’t know, Seth Godin isn’t an archaeologist and, based on his writings, he doesn’t appear interested in cultural resource management or historic preservation. Godin is primarily known for his postmodern business writings, which have been rapidly been accepted by […]

#SHA2014- Lessons Learned from the Conference at the European Village on the Planet Hoth

The 2013–2014 Polar Vortex drastically altered the travel plans for dozens of attendees of the recent Society for Historical Archaeology conference (#SHA2014). Set in beautiful, friendly Quebec City, the reputation of this conference will be forever marked by memories of delays, unexpected hotel layovers, lost luggage, and icy streetscapes. I […]

Cracking the Hidden Archaeology Job Market

Keywords: cultural resource management jobs, historic preservation employment, job search, job tips Hashtags: #CRMarch, #archaeology, #jobs, #jobtips, #recruiting, @succinctbill In case you didn’t already know, the best way to get a job in archaeology, cultural resource management, and historic preservation is NOT by responding to job posts. Of course, responding […]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Archaeology Blogging 2

I was pleasantly surprised at all the responses to the first question in the Blogging Carnival on Doug’s Archaeology. First, I had no idea there were so many archaeologist bloggers actively adding to their sites. This is really impressive because I strongly feel like blogging is one of the easiest […]

Top 5 Archaeology Job Search Resources

Earlier this month, I was talking to a fellow graduate student about the reasons why we both went back to school. My answer was straightforward: I went back to school in order to qualify for the highest level of CRM archaeology management. I also want to take my chances as […]

How to travel to archaeology conferences for free

Keywords: travel, archaeology research, conferences, archaeology job tips Hashtags: #SHA2014, #SAA2014, @succinctbill, @chrisguillebeau “As for study, did not our wise teacher teach us that learning was of two kinds: the one kind being the things we learned and knew, and the other being the training that taught us how to […]

CRM Archaeology Podcast Recap, November 2013

Is college worth it? That seems to be the question of our generation. In November, panelists on the CRM archaeology podcast discussed getting into graduate school. A college degree is considered necessary for work as a CRMer, but an increasing number of CRMers are getting graduate degrees. There are good […]

Is degree inflation in archaeology bad?

Keywords: cultural resource management, archaeology, higher education, Doug’s Archaeology Hashtags: #archaeology, #CRMarch, #higherlearning, @succinctbill, In November, Doug Rocks-MacQueen wrote the post, “With each passing year your degree means less and less and less and less……..” This post analyzes data collected for the report “Archaeology Labour Market Intelligence: Profiling the Profession, […]

is it possible to get a tenure track archaeology professor position?

Sexism, CRM archaeology, and the Male Response

A few weeks ago, I received a lot of input from other female archaeologists because of some comments I made about Episode 18 of the CRM Archaeology Podcast. Nearly all of these comments were negative (including the ones from my non-archaeologist wife). Every female CRM archaeologist I’ve spoken to thought […]