Who cares about the Supreme Court Ruling? Archaeologists aren’t allowed to have kids anyway 8

This week (6/30/2014), the United States Supreme Court ruled that “…certain for-profit companies cannot be required to pay for specific types of contraceptives for their employees” ( The corporations involved in the case (Conestoga Wood Specialties and Hobby Lobby) are allowed to use their religious beliefs to prevent female employees […]

Is cultural resource management archaeology conducive to families

How does cutting corners hurt our cultural resource management

Cutting corners in cultural resource management archaeology hurts everybody 4

I just finished listening to Episode 37 of the CRM Archaeology Podcast. The last 10 minutes of the show reminded me of a salient story. One day, I was sitting at my cubicle in one of the many beneficent CRM archaeology companies I used to work for when one of […]

10 more unwritten rules of professional archaeology 8

I’m piggy backing on a couple of archaeology blog posts I read earlier this week about unwritten rules of professional archaeology. The topic was started by Tracy Brown, webmaster of the blog Archaeology in Tennessee. Mr. Brown started a thread asking about the Unwritten Rules in Professional Archaeology and has […]

10 unwritten rules for professional archaeology

Archaeology books are coming from blogs these days

Writing Schedules keep your Archaeology writing moving

“This is some great stuff! There’s nothing like this out there. Are you willing to publish this as a book?” From what I’ve heard, this is the way my good friend Chris Webster who just got his book The Field Archaeologist’s Survival Guide published by Left Coast Press. It was […]

Top 15 Must-Have Archaeology Field Gear Items 3

After months being cooped up in a classroom, I’m getting ready to go do some archaeology field work this summer and was putting together a list of items I need to buy or replace. Some people I know have called me a gear whore because I like to buy outdoors […]

15 Must have Archaeology supplies

#SAA2014 Debrief, Part I: Curating and Disseminating Archaeology 2

“I don’t always go to the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meetings, but when I do, I prefer them to be in a cool place with a ton of rad dive bars.” The world’s most moderately interesting archaeologist (Me). I’m currently on the flight back from #SAA2014 and happened […]

Hear about what I learned at #SAA2014

Archaeology supervisors: explain what you want your employees to do before they do it

Cultural resource management companies, want to dramatically improve productivity and efficiency? 2

In the course of my random discussions about working in cultural resource management archaeology and historic preservation, I seem to have come across the same conversation time and time again. It all revolves around some “hell project”— a project that went so FUBAR that the company ended up losing money. […]

The demise of #naziwarhunters is one small step toward reclaiming the public’s image of archaeology

This week, the HISTARCH listserv and the rest of the blogosphere celebrated the crushing defeat of NatGeo’s poorly planned series Nazi War Diggers. As I wrote before, the show was basically a glorification of battlefield archaeological site looting with the added bonus of human remains desecration. It was an all-around […]

Stop archaeology site looting shows

Plan for blogging and historic preservation at succinct research

Blogging about cultural resource management archaeology is just the beginning

March, 2014 is the last month of #blogarch Part Deux. In addition to hosting an excellent discussion in the last few months about blogging, archaeology and points between, Doug Rocks-MacQueen posited a killer final question to end the series: Where do you plan on going with blogging or where would […]