
“The Chair” is why I don’t blog about archaeology anymore

Since I’m an assistant professor of anthropology, my social media threads are buzzing with conversation about the new Netflix show “The Chair.” Over the past month my friends and family have been asking me things like; Is “The Chair” really what being a professor is like? Is that how academic […]

CRM companies: Why not post your starting salaries?

We’re all familiar with archaeology job posting and their biggest shortcoming. A company is looking for some field techs, so they write up a job posting for archaeologyfieldwork.com or shovelbums.org. They’re looking for a good candidate so they start with what they want from us: A Bachelor’s degree, an “accredited” […]

Crowdfunding and archaeological research: should we do it?

A few months ago, I wrote about the new opportunities to be had through crowdfunding archaeological research. It seemed like a solid approach to cover some of the costs of conducting an archaeology or historic preservation project, especially if the crowdfunded project paid dividends to the local economy and community. […]

What are your project’s goals?

Every cultural resource management, heritage conservation, or historic preservation project has stated and unstated goals. Check out my post on Random Acts of Science to learn more about how you can discern these two types of goals:     I would really love to hear from you. If you have […]