
Homelessness and CRM Archaeology 2

Some cultural resource management archaeologists are homeless. I’ve known this for years. It’s a part of being an archaeologist in the United States we don’t want to talk about. Cultural resource management archaeology is an unconventional career where practitioners can expect to spend extended periods away from home while working. […]

Mental Bandwidth, Poverty, and Archaeology

Too many archaeologists focus on scarcity. There isn’t enough grant money. Not enough cultural resource management archaeology contracts. Not enough hours in the budget to get this project done. Focusing on what don’t have blinds us to opportunities for archaeology to make an impact beyond academia and consulting. It also […]

How fieldwork decides who gets to be a CRM archaeologist and who doesn’t 1

During my time in cultural resource management archaeology, I have noticed how field experience, or lack thereof, creates a separation between those archaeologists who go out in the field (A.K.A “dirt archaeologists”) and those who spend most of their time in the office. Most of the office archaeologists used to […]