
Form 620 and 621: What historic properties need to be considered?

If you’ve worked in cultural resource management, historic preservation, heritage conservation, or architectural preservation you’ve probably had the following conversation: “What??!! That’s a historic property?  It’s just an ol’ pile of noun that means garbage. Who’d ever wanna preserve that piece of noun that means excrement? What the expletive is […]

Crafting a killer resume

There are a number of people that would tell you resumes are dead. Especially for those of us looking for cultural resource, heritage conservation, or historic preservation employment. Your networking, skills, experience, and personality play a huge role in getting hired and impressing your future boss in an interview. But […]

What are your project’s goals?

Every cultural resource management, heritage conservation, or historic preservation project has stated and unstated goals. Check out my post on Random Acts of Science to learn more about how you can discern these two types of goals:     I would really love to hear from you. If you have […]

Keywords are an essential part of a successful résumé

I have been helping folks remodel their cultural resource management or historic preservation job résumés for years now. Most résumés had the right information, followed grammatical rules, and were textbook manifestations of what the internet and most résumé-writing books tell us to do. But they weren’t optimized for the CRM […]

Applying to Federal Cultural Resources Jobs

Last week, I read an informational article on that pretty much blew my mind. For those of you that don’t know is one of two online job repositories where most cultural resource management and heritage conservation companies post job openings (the other excellent website is I tend […]

Should you hire a resume-writer?

Times are tough. These days, competition is fierce for the few cultural resource management, heritage conservation, and historic preservation jobs. Knowing how to write a successful résumé is crucial for your job search. Many of us have thought about hiring a professional résumé-writer or resume-writing service. While this may be […]

Looking for cultural resources jobs? Do you need to work on your résumé? 3

Before I wrote a book on resume-writing for cultural resource management and heritage conservation specialists, I was spending a couple hours each day rewriting other people’s résumés. I worked on résumés in all sorts of job fields, especially for people trying to get jobs in CRM. I did so many […]

If you have a cultural resources job, you need to be a T-Person 5

I had an incident this summer that reminded me of my days before I landed my first cultural resources job. I’m sure any of you out there with heritage conservation jobs or historic preservation employment can relate. My 16-year-old sister is entering her junior year in high school and we […]