Monthly Archives: May 2015

Find the township and range of your cultural resource management archaeology project area in Google Earth

Time is money in cultural resource management archaeology. Sometimes, field archaeologists and GIS specialists have strained relationships within their CRM companies because field archaeos do not always know how to create maps using GIS software. We think the GIS people can just conjure a map from thin air in less […]

Find the township and range of your CRM archaeology project area in Google Earth

Is archaeology against motherhood?

Does archaeology hate mothers? 2

I’ve been paying a lot of attention to the @everyDIGsexism conversation on Twitter. The discussion highlights many of the problems women face in cultural resource management and academic archaeology. For forward-thinking intellectuals, a lot of male archaeologists and archaeology students should really be ashamed of themselves. I’ve been known to […]

Can the Plentitude Business Model save cultural resource management?

Historic preservation-minded developer Bill Naito didn’t just save buildings. He helped create ambiance, character, and augmented the quality of life in downtown Portland, Oregon. During the 1960s, Naito saw potential in the rotting waterfront warehouses. He realized that remodeling these buildings may not immediately improve property values, increase foot traffic, […]

The plenitude model is at the heart of historic preservation and it's smart money