Do archaeology students read anymore?
Do archaeology students still read in college? Read here to learn more.
Do archaeology students still read in college? Read here to learn more.
Are grades an indicator of who will be a good cultural resource management archaeologist? Read to learn more.
The art of asking for help getting into graduate school to work in cultural resource management archaeology is as simple as planning and politeness.
We don’t say it but many cultural resource management archaeologists are experiencing burnout. Read about one archaeologist’s experience.
Cultural resource management archaeology is not always fun but it can be an amazing career. Learn more here.
Cultural Resource Management (CRM) archaeology often prioritizes college degrees over professional certifications, yet the “wealth premium” from degrees may be waning due to high tuition costs and loan debt. The author argues that New Collar Certifications may soon rival degrees, offering practical skills without as much financial burden. This could be especially important for maintaining net worth in the long term and is relevant for BIPOC and working-class archaeologists who face additional challenges in the field. The author suggests that combining degrees with certifications might be essential for future success in archaeology, with a particular emphasis on the changing landscape of CRM job requirements and the potential of New Collar certifications to address staffing shortages and training needs.
Does cultural resource management archaeology need New Collar Jobs?
Learn about what happened in a university activity that asked anthropology students to act like cultural resource management archaeologists
Here are 37 things I’ve learned in nearly 20 years of working as a professional archeologist in the United States.
As you probably know, archaeology is a largely white profession and has been for decades. The same systems developed during post-Columbian colonialism that created BIPOC people created archaeology. It also created whiteness, which means the same racial mores white archaeologists are acculturated to internalize peek through in the interactions white […]